Tuesday, 11 March 2025
News with tag Mega Man  RSS
Up Up Down Down: Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

Added: 07.04.2014 18:14 | 4 views | 0 comments

GameZone: "What happens when you get former Mega Man designer Keiji Inafune and his company Comcept and team them up with Team Ninja? Apparently, you get a delightfully wacky zombie game set in the Ninja Gaiden universe. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is heavy on the hack-and-slash action, dripping with (entertainingly) asinine adult humor, and filled with ridiculous moments. Unfortunately, a number of imperfections rear their ugly heads all too often. Even then, Ninja Gaiden Z is good, goofy fun."

From: n4g.com

Strider Review - Gamer Chatter

Added: 02.04.2014 18:15 | 1 views | 0 comments

The game is a jolly good time. The game mechanics are very solid in the classic side scrolling platform style. It harkens back to the Mega Man or Castlevania play styles. The combat is dynamic and entertaining. There will be power ups for the weapon that will affect some enemies better than others. Players can button mash and get through just fine, but it also has teresting moves that will reward players who can master them. These moves will be necessary in order to beat more of the harder difficulties.

From: n4g.com

Gamer Chatter Podcast Episode 58: Fatal Mistakes

Added: 02.04.2014 0:21 | 9 views | 0 comments

Edward is like a lost doggy because Tim is gone this week also, but dont fret Edward has Scott Ollek and William Mackellar with him again! The boys go over famous: Second Son talk, Diablo 3, and more. A lot of juicy news this week for the boys to go over also. The community question this week was a great one, it was Come up with a Mega Man Boss. Name him, what is his ability? The answers dont surprise Edward but some of the bosses were interesting to say the least. The normal stuff is talked about like best gaming moments of the week, what theyre playing, and more! Enjoy the show this week and see you all next week!

From: n4g.com

Capcom's bringing six portable Mega Man games to the 3DS in May

Added: 01.04.2014 20:17 | 1 views | 0 comments

Capcom's bringing six portable Mega Man games to the 3DS in May Capcom has announced that it's bringing six handheld Mega Man games to the 3DS virtual console in May. The stack of vintage titles include the balance of the remaining Game Boy Mega Man titles along with two from Game Boy Colour fame. All six will make their way to the virtual console, but Capcom's decided to host a poll to see which one will lead the charge. From now until 10am PST (7am ...

From: feedproxy.google.com

Six Mega Man Games Coming to 3DS Virtual Console

Added: 01.04.2014 4:52 | 1 views | 0 comments

Six Mega Man Game Boy classics set to debut on North American eShop from May 1.

From: www.ign.com

Mega Man X8

Added: 01.04.2014 1:23 | 1 views | 0 comments

Cheats: Unlock X's Ultimate Armour: Complete the game with ALL of X's metals and ALL 8 armour pieces. Unlock...

From: megagames.com

Six Portable Mega Man Games, Including Mega Man Xtreme and its Sequel, Coming to 3DS Virtual Console

Added: 31.03.2014 21:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Article: Six Portable Mega Man Games, Including Mega Man Xtreme and its Sequel, Coming to 3DS Virtual Console

Now that's Mega

From: www.nintendolife.com

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